Digital Literacy
At Kelburn Normal School learning in the digital environment is integral with classroom learning. Alongside the key competencies, which underpin all learning, the children develop e-competencies, which enable them to be responsible and capable digital citizens. Digital literacy and fluency are therefore part of our everyday literacy programme.
Our aim is for our students to:
acquire competence in the use of skills, app, or media, including how to code
know how to use digital technologies for the inquiry process
use digital technologies to develop and enhance their multiple literacies
use digital technologies to develop as critical thinkers and problem solvers
use digital technologies to create, collaborate, and communicate
use digital technologies to develop their capacity and agency as learners
understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities as digital citizens.
Computers and Devices
The school is fully networked with wireless technology. Our school devices are an educational tool as well as a tool for work and life; the development of digital literacy is a key to learning.
All staff and students are required to complete a ‘Computer Use Agreement’ before using the school’s network. Developing an understanding of the responsibilities of digital citizenship is necessary for all members of the school community.
Every device is connected and students only use them when a teacher is present. Safe and responsible us is carefully monitored and in line with our Digital Safety policy and Responsible Use Agreement (see enrolment documents). The school is well resourced with a variety of devices; from Year 4-8 students are able to bring their own devices. Please contact us for more details.